To get rid of ants: Put the peel option in place tastiest ... j ants come out of it
For pure ice cubes ... Boil the water first ....
To make mirrors shine ... Wipe Balsberto a ....
To remove chewing gum from clothing ... Place the frozen dresses in the refrigerator for an hour ...
To whiten clothes ... put it in boiling water, plus a slice of lemon for ten minutes, then wash
To give the brightest hair ... Add a teaspoon of vinegar to hair and then wash it well ...
To make the lemon gives the largest amount of juice .. Put it in hot water for an hour before his time ..
To remove the smell of cabbage while cooking ... Place a piece of bread over the cabbage in the bowl ...
To remove the smell of fish from your hands .... Wash your hands a little apple cider vinegar ...
To prevent tears when peeling onions .... Chew gum ...
To make sure of the validity of mushrooms .... Sprinkle a little salt on the mushrooms, if turning color to black color, it's good, though turning to yellow in color it is Sam.
To cook potatoes quickly ... Peel the potato from one side only before boiling
To cook the eggs quickly ...... Add a little salt to the water.
To melt the frozen chicken .... Put it in cold water, plus two tablespoons of salt ...
To see fresh fish ... Put it in cold water, if surfaced it fresh ...
To find out fresh eggs .... Put the egg in the water, the deposited horizontally it fresh, but I failed diagonally, 3-4 days old, but I failed in a vertical, 10 days old, though they floated corrupt .... .
To remove ink from clothing ... Put the amount of toothpaste on the ink spot, and allow it to dry completely, then wash as usual
For peeling sweet potatoes quickly ... put it in cold water immediately after maturity ...
To prevent Foran milk ..... Wash the pot with cold water (from the fridge) before boiling milk .....
To remove the weeds from the roadside .... Sprinkle salt on them ... .
To get rid of rats .... Sprinkle black pepper in places there may be mice, then find out mice fleeing fast! ....
To ward off mosquitoes, especially at night ... Put a few fresh mint leaves close to the pillow and throughout the room
الخميس، 13 يونيو 2013
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